Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Is that your final diagnosis?

Guilty pleasures. Lying on the bedroom floor drinking a smoothie and watching reality TV (no, I won't say which show). During a commercial break, I caught a glance at myself in the mirror; dang, there's a bleeding cut across the bridge of my nose. Must've slammed the wire frames of my reading glasses into the skin, although you'd think I'd remember doing something like that. Well, it stung a little bit, but no sense messing with it until after the show.

Somewhat later, I inspect the wound, now wearing my reading glasses. Odd colored blood, more pink than red. As I wiped the area with a wet Kleenex, all the 'blood' disappears and there's no damage whatsoever to the skin. I can't imagine what it is, I'm not even sure I want to know. But not until I rinse out the smoothie glass do I figure out the mystery. While tipping back the cup to get the last dregs of crushed strawberry, I deposited bits of same on my nose from the far rim of the glass.


JeanMac said...

Good one!

30 years from Darling said...

TOO funny! I guess I finally found an advantage of being allergic to strawberries!! (which I loved!) No worry about imitation blood!

Cilicious said...

Hilarious--and as the one who was always wearing grape juice as a kid,I know this is all too true.

Wendy said...

Ummmmm - strawberry smoothie! Delicious!
What would your diagnosis have been had you been drinking a banana and peanut butter smoothie??

Mauigirl said...

LOL, I can see myself doing that!