Sunday, March 22, 2009

Non-neurotic extraverts don't dement!

Just untangling the conclusions of this Swedish study was a brain workout in its own right, a downright 'how much wood would a woodchuck chuck..." sort of puzzle:

Neither high neuroticism nor low extraversion alone was related to significantly higher incidence of dementia. However, among people with an inactive or socially isolated lifestyle, low neuroticism was associated with a decreased dementia risk (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.51, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.27-0.96). When compared to persons with high neuroticism and high extraversion, a decreased risk of dementia was detected in individuals with low neuroticism and high extraversion (HR = 0.51, 95% CI = 0.28-0.94), but not among persons with low neuroticism and low extraversion (HR = 0.95, 95% CI = 0.57-1.60), nor high neuroticism and low extraversion (HR = 0.97 95% CI = 0.57-1.65).(1)

Got it? So do we fret and socialize, stay home and calmly knit, or placidly go out drinking with our buddies? Don't freak out while you discuss this conundrum with your friends because, as you will see once you sort out the various possibilities here, being a Buddha of a buddy is your best bet for the brightest brain.
Wang, HX, et al.
Personality and lifestyle in relation to dementia incidence. Neurology. 2009 Jan 20;72(3):253-9.


Wendy said...

Egads! I had trouble with the title alone!
I think I'd look to genetics over Budda buddies or drinking, knitting, partying - whatevers!
Who does these studies anyway???

BTW - you can use my push-button car-key mailbox "menopause" moment any time you want to.
Have a fun week!

Therese said...

This is awesome!