Thursday, July 23, 2009

I must've been loaded...

I've always pretended, as I performed that loathsome chore of unloading the dishwasher, that the exercise of sorting silverware would enhance my IQ. Apparently not.

I unloaded the plates and silverware, then put the dirty dishes from the countertop in the rack before tackling the cups above. I needed a break, so I closed up the dishwasher (I tend to walk into it, leaving my shins all abruised) and wandered around the kitchen sipping coffee and musing.

Back to the task at hand. Opened the dishwasher and thought, with satisfaction, ah hardly any plates left to unload. It was only after I placed the last slightly greasy dish in the cupboard that I realized that I had just put away the dirty plates I'd loaded up not 10 minutes before.

No increased IQ points for me!


Beverly said...

I've done that too....though this by no means should be reassuring to

tobisan said...

AHH yes- I have poured many a morning cafe' into a greasy cup! Now I look into the bottom before pouring. And the sweet man I live with insists on leaving the DW door open-bet he'd never tell if he's banged his shin. Me- I'll tell- OUCH! Also makes a good spot for a cat to hide out....

Wendy said...

Oh, you make me laugh! I can easily see that happening.
BTW - were you drinking your famous costa rica coffee? Hmmmm?

denverdoc said...

Beverly and Tobisan: Your admissions have taken a load off my mind.

Wendy: You don't really think I drink that expensive, imported stuff everyday, do you?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love your blog, and now I feel so much better. I can totaly relate to this story. For the past few weeks, I had had those software problems, the mysterious kind that come out of no where. the answer? uninstall and reinstall. Simple. I open the drawer, go right to the file marked Image 9, pull out the plastic and find only the book. No CD. Last month I had organized the drawer and my first thought, oh no, I must have thrown out the CD. I went through every file TWICE, went to two other drawers it should not be in. For over an hour I searched. I walked away to calm down. Came back and sat down to order more software. When I sat down, I pulled the key board towards me and my left hand was resting on the CD pkg. THEN I remembered, I pulled it out last week to reinstall and left it there.
these things happen almost daily.

dorsey said...

I've done this several times, including getting the dishwasher ready to go, coming in later to see the dial at the top, done already, I never even heard it going. Still I unload half of it, the dishwasher obviously getting worse all the time, I really need a new one. I finally think to check the soap dispenser which is still clicked shut. I'm so glad to know it's my age, not my brain. right?